Irony Deficit
Recent surveys show that the
appreciation of irony has fallen
sharply in Britain over the
last decade
The older age groups, in particular,
show a disturbing trend towards taking everything
literally, and adults as old as ninety could
not distinguish between irony, sarcasm, and
cynicism. Researchers have blamed overexposure
to television as a primary cause of this deficit
in ironic sensibility. Teenagers questioned
in one survey complained that older people often
seemed stupid and unable to grasp
conversational subtleties.
Senior researcher Bill Toulast
remarked that the lack of anything beyond superficial
stereotype and conventional piety, in the mass
media, contributes to an atrophying of the neocortex
in most of the population. A politician commented:
“This is very worrying. We will consider
making practical irony a mandatory part of the
school curriculum, alongside competitive sports.”